
2002 Trumph america bonneville

by Lisa W.

My hubby just purchased this motorcycle for an early b-day present for me...i was shocked been after him for 10 years now to get something,now w/ that being said I grew up on dirt bikes,atv's & even stock car racing but have never ridden a street bike but i do want to learn to ride this. It's heavier than what i'm used too. My husband has his own business therefore works all the time & I dont want to wait for him to take me riding. so i have been looking for training wheels for this w/ no luck. I just want them to get used to weight of bike & learn to control it, ( I am 5' & only weigh 112 lbs)I plan on getting my motorcycle license next year

Comments for 2002 Trumph america bonneville

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Jul 21, 2012
great bike
by: jp

I love that bike!! If you want to learn to ride then I suggest a local MSF riding course. They provide bikes that are fairly light and easy to ride. If you can put your feet flat on the ground then it could be a good fit. Remember, it's all about balance and if you can ride a bicyle then you can balance a motorcycle. And, you're not going to be pushing it around by hand(not much anyway), it's the throttle that is the muscle. You don't have to be big and strong, just enough to roll the throttle and brake it.
I'm 5'5" and I ride a very big bike. I can't pick it up if it's down,( I know gals, I've seen all the 'pick it up' demos, but I'm 67 with bad knees and I make friends by asking those cute young fellas to help me and I'm sure they get a kick out of helping grandma and her big ass harley) Anyway, I digress...it may be too big a bike for you to start on, but basically learning how to ride will go a long way in helping you find those answers.

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