
Went down for the first time!

by Stacy
(New York, NY)

Last weekend I went out for my 2nd ride ever on the roads. I went with my boyfriend and a friend of mine whom has been riding for 8 plus years. ..We did some local roads and then go on the highway...the first highway we got on was a nice, straight highway...it was kind of boring but it helped me riding and with my speed. Coming home though, my boyfriend decided to take a more windy, turning highway. I was doing fine on the highway...going about 70 mph which I know is fast but I was able to handle my own....all of a sudden..it was an increasing radius turn which was a ramp that led from one highway to another. Getting on the ramp was easy...it was nice and wide...but then as you go up it got narrower and narrower and was difficult to see through the turn...I was doing ok but I think I might have been going too fast...all of a sudden the bike started to straighten up. I was loosing the turn and started to drift..I panicked...looked ahead of me towards the curb and grass which I know is wrong and grabbed my front brake...wrong again. I ended up hitting the curb...bike and I went down. I am fine.. no broken bones...just a bruise on my leg. My bike well about 400 in parts that need to be replaced. First time ever I went down on my bike. My BF of course tried to tell me its ok. This will definitely not stop me from riding. I know what I had to do...look more into the turn and lean more. I upset the center of gravity with my bike and that is why instead of turning I ended up going straight right? How could I have saved this situation? if the bike was straightening should I just have leaned more into it? I was turning right...this ramp was hard since you really couldnt see in front of you. It was kinda like a blind turn. Any advice? Also I feel like I need to work on my leaving from a stopped position. At a light I feel like I stall too many times. I need to learn to coordiate the clutch and the throttle to leave quicker. My BF also told me I have to learn to leave quicker or else I might get rear-ended. Any advice?

Comments for Went down for the first time!

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Sep 20, 2011
First Crash
by: Rose

I went down for the first time in a busy intersection. Was riding with all experienced riders of years All of us were trying to get out together but it didnt happen that way.... I ended up with the bike in a fence and me flying over a 3 foot fence. Bike done well just a turn signal and break lever and chain guard rubbing....me on the other hand.....bruised and battered up knee messed up...but getting better. So i will be back on again just trying to heal..just have to do better next time.. Will ride soon... My hubby and best friend came to my rescue ...she done a dive over the fence and ninja roll the come to my rescue...what are friends for...to have your back....

Sep 16, 2011
Foot on brake?
by: Pat

Maybe you keep your foot on the brake too long. I've stalled my bike by doing this. Practice makes perfect, so keep riding, girl.

Sep 14, 2011
by: Jeanne

When i first started riding, I also went down while following my husband. What I learned is DON'T follow my husband. He was not respecting my comfort zone. We decided that I would go first and he would follow, that way I was not pressured to "keep up" with experienced people. It worked out well. He could not follow me when he was out for a joy ride, it was frustrating. We had to set aside time for him to follow me specifically for me to become more comfortable. Now I follow him, but he usually leaves me behind, and I am okay with that. I learned to respect my own comfort zone and not worry about what he is doing. I will catch up eventually. I realized that I need to ride my own ride, if I am chasing him the whole time, I am not enjoying myself.

Sep 13, 2011
Thanks girls!
by: Stacy

Yes. I took an MSF course about 3 months ago and passed. The problem is I did in fact go over my head. My BF and my friend have been riding for 8 years and they are experienced riders. I was trying to keep up with them and I should have just gone at my own pace. The problem with this turn was when I looked there wasnt much of a turn...more like a blind turn. I guess I should still be looking into the turn through it until I get to the other side. I did in fact look at the curb and was going too fast which caused me to fall. This will not stop me from riding. Also it was at night which is hardest to ride. I know that once my bike is fixed I have to practice my turns and leans and also taking off from a stopped position. So once the bikes catches and starts to roll, give it a little throttle and let go? I want it to be as smooth as possible.

Sep 13, 2011
going down
by: Lynn - Florida

Lots of practice! Sounds like maybe you were in over your head with more experienced riders. The more practice you have it should come more naturally. I'm glad to hear you weren't hurt & sorry to hear about your bike. It will get easier with practice.

Sep 13, 2011
Re: Went down for the first time!
by: rosie

Stacy, did you take a MSF class? When entering a turn you should follow the rule of Slow, Look, Lean & Roll. Slow down before entering the curve, it sounds like you were going to fast. Then look thru the turn, see where you want to be. If you look at the curb you're going to be there. Lean the bike into the turn, it should feel natural so you don't have to fight any resistance then roll on some throttle to pull you thru the turn. Be safe and ride your own ride. I'm in NJ just outside Holland Tunnel if you need girl power :)

Sep 13, 2011
Turns, and taking off from a stop
by: Julie

Stacy, I feel your pain. I went down as well on a turn when I first started riding. The key is to ALWAYS slow down before the turn, start leaning and countersteering, when you get that in position then you roll on the throttle to make the turn. You don't have to do this fast. As time goes on you will naturally get the feel for this. As for taking off without stalling, just slowly let the clutch out till it catches, and you will feel that if you pay close attention, then you stop releasing it and roll down on the throttle a bit then slowly release the clutch at the same time or you will stall it. Hope this helps you. Ride safe.

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