
Riding Alone

by Dottie

Another topic I have been struggling with lately............riding by myself. I am a relatively new rider, about 1000 miles over the last month since I got my bike.

I am a stay at home wife and a lot of the time I find myself wanting to jump on and ride when there is no one else around, hubby is tired or working, friends are at work or living their lives.

I am pretty comfortable on my bike but wonder of the wisdom of jumping on and going it alone at this stage. If I don't do some alone time however summer is going to be over very quickly and ride time will be gone till next spring. It seems if I don't just go for it and go, alone or not, I am missing good practice time just ride time. I have no problem riding around town or on the outskirts of town but am a little leary of highway trips to neighboring towns. Specifically two towns within 40 miles. It seems like a good ride. Have been on those rides several times with others but never alone. dd

So debate this with me, give me your experience and advice. My first instinct is to jump on and go with some precautions, such as letting someone know where I am going and an expected return time. I know I cannot be the only one in the world who has bought a bike and is just learning to ride that faces alone time and wanting to ride. It is simply not possible in my world to ride with someone all the time. But I don't want to do something stupid and end up in a ditch along the side of the road somewhere, alone and maybe hurt. I know the risks all bikers take but being a new rider, is this to big of a risk?


Comments for Riding Alone

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Aug 22, 2011
by: Colleen

I have to agree with the others so far. I always carry my cell, tell my husband when I'm leaving and as soon as I get back, and carry some cash. As the others have mentioned, it is nice to go at your own pace and enjoy the beautiful day! I've found myself riding about an hour a each day on my days off!

Aug 16, 2011
riding alone
by: Lynn - Florida

I rode alone a lot when I was a new rider. I also now commute to work alone everyday on my bike. My co-workers know I ride to work. Checking in with someone is a good idea. I have ICE (in case of emergency) info. in my cellphone contacts and in my wallet. The wallet card is in plain sight & also has my blood type and med. allergy info. I know people who either wear a wrist band or necklace with a placard stating their ICE info. Better to be safe than sorry. Have fun riding while your weather holds out.

Aug 15, 2011
Riding alone
by: Anonymous

I agree with all previous comments. I enjoyed riding by myself as a beginner, you can ride your own pace, stop and practice things that are giving you trouble.
Just in case something should happen I suggest in addition to your cell, is to order and get an ID bracelet or necklace with personla info on it.
My husband & I both wear one from RoadID.com
It would be $20 well spent just in case.

Have fun

Aug 15, 2011
Just go for it!!
by: Martinique


As you admit, you wouldn't get much riding done if you waited around for the hubby. I got my first motorcycle right after I started dating my BF. I'd always wanted one, had my license for two years, just never worked out to get one. I'd already planned on getting one this year, but he was the final "push" for me to get it. An unfortunate accident a few days later left me and the bike damaged for 6 weeks before we could get back out there.

BUT, after I'd healed and the final work had been done to the bike, the bf and I took a short 100 mile trip out and about (no highway, just slower, 45mph country roads). Unfortunately, he had to work the next day, and I had the day off, and it was supposed to be a BEAUTIFUL day. I didn't want to sit around the house after I'd spent so much time healing and putting the bike back together. So I made the decision I was going to go it alone. He tried to convince me to find someone to go with, he was worried about me, but I didn't want to worry about slowing someone up, or trying to push myself too hard to stay up with someone. I rode an impressive 300 miles that second day, and honestly, I haven't stopped since. I've logged 9000 miles on my bike since April, and 8 track days at the racetrack. It was scary at first, and I actually had a second accident on the street a few months later (minor low side on slick, wet pavement). Luckily I was okay, and I was able to get the bike the last 10 miles home (I'd been riding home from my friends place 80 miles away). I thought I was screwed, but there were plenty of nice folks who stopped and helped me pick my bike up (I couldn't because of the angle it was sitting in the ditch).

Down and down, it can be scary, but I prefer going at it alone. Just me and the bike, and no one else to worry about. The BF and I go out alot now, because now I can "keep up" and its more enjoyable for both of us. But I'm glad I took the time by myself to get comfortable. Just keep to the lower traffic, slower roads, and use that time to build your confidence on your machine. Its also a good way to find all the fun roads. Soon, you'll be the girl everyone goes to ride with, because you know where all the good roads are. :) Have fun chica, riding alone can be a blast. (Oh, and always check in with someone, that's the way to keep riding alone truly safe). :)

Aug 14, 2011
riding alone
by: Lois WNC

Hi Dottie,

I do most of my riding alone. My husband is a truck driver gone for a week at a time home for a day or 2, if I waited for him I'd never get to ride.I started by taking the MSF course at the local college. When I started out I would ride around town stay off the busy streets practice in parking lots, then I started riding the busy places and then the highways. But I always call my husband and let him know I'm heading out where I intend to go and then call him when I get there or when I get home this way someone knows where I am or where to start looking for me.Also I ride the Blue Ridge Parkway a lot in places you have no cell service so if I had trouble I might not be able to call someone. I now am confident to go almost anywhere by myself, I took a trip to see my daughter alone round trip a little over 600 miles. I hope next summer to ride to New England for my vacation.
If you feel ready just be careful and let someone know where you go, keep a cell phone with you and charged. And always be aware of whats going on around you.

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