
Need Some Help with Turning

by Noelle S
(Freehold, NJ)

So what a difference since my last post on the website. I have gotten to ride a few more times at much longer lengths and am starting to feel comfortable with my bike and my skill level. Got the shifting thing pretty well, comfortable riding at and 5mph above the speed limit. (Still haven't been out on rt 195 where the avg speed is 65-70 but soon no need to rush) I am learning with every ride. My main area of concern is turning hard right when you don't have to make a complete stop. First gear doesn't usually sound right. I'm thinking if it's safe to downshift to 2nd then ride the clutch through the turn. It's not that bad if you have no one behind you and there is no other vehicle waiting to pull out near that turn, but that's not realistic. I still get a little panicky so I really need some suggestions from the more experienced riders.

Thanks for the support!! PL&H

Comments for Need Some Help with Turning

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Jun 19, 2011
Ride Like A Pro DVD
by: idahokathy

I totally agree with watching the Ride Like A Pro DVD. I took the advanced motorcycle course (up here it's called STAR) 2 years ago. That in itself was a huge help, but watching that DVD really made it click for me.

Jun 16, 2011
Feather That Back Brake
by: Lori

You should get the "Ride Like a Pro" video... I watched it when I first began riding (6.5 years ago) and it clicked with me right after that. I do not have any trouble at all with slow turns and u-turns. Try feathering your back brake along with using your clutch and throttle... you don't have to bear down much on the brake... be sure and stay away from that front brake though when turning, and always look through your turn to where you want to go. Good luck... you'll get it!

Jun 15, 2011
by: Anonymous

Hubby and I just took the advanced safety course and they worked hard on corning and turns. Slow before you get to the turn "set your speed" look where you are going, not at your tire, look ahead. then throttle thru. slow, press, look, throttle.

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Jun 14, 2011
Thanks for the suggestion!
by: Noelle S

Thanks for the suggestion Sandra. I'll try to remember that. It's more of a clutch thing thru the turn. Maybe I was slowing down too much before the turn because the jerks behind me were on top of me which I guess will stop or at least lessen if I can master turns. I'll keep you posted! PL&H

Jun 14, 2011
by: Sandra

I tend to shift down too far still as well. In my manual transmission CAR I can make a turn in 3rd gear...in my bike I STRUGGLE not to shift all the way down to first. Second gear is FINE for making turns; it's more a confidence thing! Remember weaving through those cones in class - the tight ones? - learning to manage the friction zone of the clutch while applying the proper amount of throttle to "pull" you through? Also remember, then, how much easier this exercise was with proper speed - one of the ladies in our class dumped it simply because she was going SO slow that the bike kind of just "fell over". I'm not suggesting flying through turns, sparking your pegs in a deep lean - you can if you want; I just don't WANT to! - but the proper speed makes a great deal of difference in stability. Head UP; Eyes UP; Look where you want to BE; and avoid braking during turns and curves. You should have reduced your speed BEFORE negotiating turns/curves, not DURING them! Hope this is helpful for you!

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