
Join a WOMENS riding club!

by Beth
(Northern NJ)

The best advice I got (from the MSF instructor) was to join a riding club. I took it a step further and found a local chapter of Women In The Wind, an international women's riding club. Women are more nurturing, more patient by our nature than guys. Back in '05 when I was scared to death to ride my first bike, a Honda 600 I bought after the MSF course, the women in the club gave me so much confidence and guidance.

Our organization welcomes "newbie" riders and helps her build confidence and improve her skills. We were all new riders at one time, and we still laugh at the mistakes we made (and still make), as the beginning riders who read this will do.

One more thing... ok, three. #1 - Take a safety course; your man will teach you all of his bad habits if you rely on him to teach you. #2 Proper gear is a MUST, even though it might not look as cool or sexy. Your skin looks better on you than on the road. #3 You *will* drop your bike at some point in time. Learn to pick it up yourself or have some help, and get back on. Anyone who says they never dropped their bike is either lying or hasn't done it -- yet! And you'll usually do it while in a slow turn, or at bike night in front of all the guys, ha ha ha!!!

See you on the road!

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Jan 20, 2011
Women's clubs...
by: Beth

Melissa, are you going to the motorcycle show this weekend at the Javits Center? Go to the Women's Center and pick up brochures from the women's clubs. Women In The Wind has a Long island chapter, and they alternate meetings on East and West ends of the island. Also there is a NYC-based group called Sirens Motorcycle Club. I think they may be all or mostly lesbian (they lead the NYC Pride Parade each year-Dykes on Bikes), but you can check them out. Or find out where bike nights are this Spring and go talk to girls that ride in.

Lowering the bike should help. If you can't flat-foot the bike, it poses a serious safety risk, as you've found the hard way!

Jan 20, 2011
Melissa, Don't Give Up
by: Kathy aka ToadMama

Melissa, I'd say take the extra lessons. They certainly can't hurt. Also, finding other women riders in your area may help. Perhaps they'd be better coaches than the boyfriend.

Jan 19, 2011
Dropped My Bike and Got Discouraged
by: Melissa

I had just gotten my license... my bf and had bought a triumph speed triple.. he was so happy and desperate for me to get on.. but I was not comfortable where he wanted me to go and practice. Although I told him repeatedly I didn't want to practice there he insisted. I did! I was fine going back and forth UNTIL.. YES THE TIGHT TURNS... I LET THE BIKE FALL. I WAS DEVASTATED... but I got back up and got on again.. this time he was directing my to turn and yet again it fell and pinned me down..

I cried, I was angry and I haven't gotten on again. Every time I wanted to practice, he was never around.. So we had 2 bikes just sitting there outside our apt.. I was sooooooooooooo discouraged and he paid so much money for the bike that i didn't want to drop it again.

So he finally bought me the lowering link (cuz that was the problem, I didn't feel comfy not being able to put my feet flat on the floor) so just got the link now we need to lower the bike. So I am hoping by March she will be ready for me to ride.

But I don't know if I should take extra lessons just to get comfortable again...any suggestions?

Does anyone know any bike clubs in NY Queens area? There are a ton of guy clubs but I have yet to see a girl on a bike..

Jan 18, 2011
Dropped in a Petrol Station
by: Tara

Haha, I dropped my bike at a petrol (Gas for you Yanks) stations. I was standing still almost, and when I felt it going down, I let it. I only "put it down", I didn't really drop it, and all I did was move my mirror. I also can pick it up on my own - which is a good thing.

I'm actually waiting for a cager to knock me off, there are so many idiot drivers here, I spend half of my commute to and from work shouting obscenities through my (full face) helmet at them. It must look pretty funny. I also tend to flip the bird a lot, not that it probably does any good.....

Jan 18, 2011
Women's Riding Clubs
by: Beth

You can do an internet search on womens riding clubs. My club (Women In The Wind - womeninthewind.org) has a chapter in Sacramento, CA, as well as about six others through the state. And if you can't find one near you, you can start your own if you have three members or more. I know that Florida has several also.. more may have popped up since you last checked.

Women are a fast-growing segment of the population, and I know there are other riding clubs out there.

If you can get to the International Motorcycle Show this year, go to the Women's Center and look for brochures. My club will be helping out at the Center at the New York show, as well as promoting the club with flyers that the ladies can pick up.

Jan 18, 2011
Riding Club
by: Lynn - Florida

All great advise and so true! I've only dropped by bike twice (so far) and both were in parking lots. First time I was trying to back my bike into an uneven parking spot while seated. (bike was too tall for me) My left foot slipped out, throwing me back & off balance & dropping the bike pinning me. Didn't get hurt but someone had to lift the bike off me as I didn't have engine guards at the time. Second time (a year later on my cruiser bike) was turning too tightly, put the front tire in a pothole and did a slow-mo tip over. Engine guard & platform saved me - but not from embarrassment. I hate parking lots!

I looked into Women in the Wind in my area but was still 25 miles away. I liked the club.

Jan 18, 2011
Wish There Was One Near Me
by: Rene L

Your suggestions are right on. I've been riding for 2 yrs after taking the MSF course. I'm on my second bike but mostly ride alone around my home doing errands@ or with my boyfriend. From the time I passed the MSF class I have wished to find women to ride with. I have searched and searched-even posted here looking for riders in my area. Unfortunately I have been unsuccessful. So this is a good time to ask again. Any of you in or around Contra Costa County Northern Ca? I am in the Brentwood Oakley Antioch area. If so let's get together and ride sometime.

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