
Grooved pavement

by Pam

I have only been riding 2 weeks and I was finishing my ride on Sunday and came around a corner to a sign that read "bump" as I was also approaching a stop light. As I went over the bump I hit grooved pavement. As I am downshifting as I approach the light my bike is being pushed to the side of the road. I let it go that way and pull into the gas station on the corner. At this light in every direction for about 2/10 of a mile is grooved pavement. I have no idea how to ride on it. I ended up "duck" walking my bike across the intersection and walking it back the way I came on the side of the road until I hit smooth pavement and then finished my ride home. I got on my bike again Tuesday for about 30 minutes and only stayed in my neighborhood. I know I can ride on the roads and need to get back out there but that experience shook me a little. I have thought about doing a ride in my car first as to where I want to go then riding it on my bike to be sure this doesn't happen again.

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Nov 14, 2011
firm grip on handlebars
by: hen26

just ride it through like you would when you are in a car. firm grip on the handlebars and ride at a comfortable safe pace for yourself.

personally, I've only encountered these on freeways, usually I slow a bit right before I go over the grooves but I glide through them, it's not so bad.

Aug 18, 2011
Don't panic.
by: Dawn

My road was under construction all last summer, so I got plenty of experience on that mess before it got finished. My tip is don't panic. I agree this is very nerve wracking, but it can be managed, just like gravel and any other undesirable terrain.

What I did, and I have no clue if it's the "proper" technique, but it worked for me. I gripped the handlebars fairly tight, and tried to stay in the middle as much as I could, it seemed to be wigglier grooves and my bike went over them better and didn't want to follow them like the straighter ones. On the straighter parts, I found that weaving on purpose a little in the lane worked. Since I meant to drift around in the lane I didn't get so bothered by not being able to hold a straight line.

Hope this helps. But do ride. You are going to find these scary "surprises" most everywhere. As long as you don't panic, you will be fine. And the more things you experience, they become more familiar and less scary. After last summer, grooved pavement now just makes me sigh, not break out into a cold sweat.

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