
Buy what you like

by Gloria

There is much advice. I've been riding for over 30 years and here are a couple things I think are important.
1) If you've never ridden. Take one of the motorcycle safety courses. Every state offers them and the knowledge the instructors share is excellent. Most of the safety courses have a few sessions that are women only so if you feel uncomfortable with the men around register for a female only class.
2) I think you should buy what you are comfortable with and like. I see and hear about too many women who have allowed the male in their life to decide what motorcycle to purchase. Sometimes they like it, but more often they don't. Don't be afraid to sit on them and if possible test ride one.
3) Don't ride initially with anyone who pushes you past your comfort level. With experience you will start expanding your comfort level on your own.
4) Remember the adage "If you think you can you can, if you think you can't, you can't". Mental attitude goes a long way.

I love riding and had very supportive men who got me started and didn't care that I was a girl. I determine what bike and accessories I want and don't hesitate to tell the salesman when he isn't listening to me. I speak up and buy what I want. If the group is riding in a manner I'm not comfortable with I don't ride with them.

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May 21, 2008
Make SURE you like your ride
by: Kate Fetterly


I agree, DO buy what you like. If you don't like it, why would you ride it? A bike says alot about you, your personality, style. It's very important to be comfortable and happy with your companion, your bike. It'll take you on a great adventure, if you like it.

I'm a relatively new rider. I spent years and years on the back of my father's bike, and when I felt ready, at about 18 years old, I took the MSF course, and I got a GZ250, the same bike used in the course. I spent a season on this bike and felt confident in my ability to handle a bigger bike.

I did a lot of reading, and I looked in many dealer's showrooms, magazines, and tradshows- until I found what appealed the most to me.

I'm 23 years old, 5'3 and 106 pounds. I found a smokin' hot deal on ebay for a Moto Guzzi Breva 750ie. I just got back on after a 3 year hiatus. My confidence came in simply thinking about what I was doing, and then I took the time to read some more, and then I did what they tell you to do: remain solo, and practice until you're blue in the face.

Even though I'm currently ball of the foot on my stock seat, I found that I can still control this bike very easily and confidently, as it's well balanced and easy to ride because the weight is so evenly distributed. Keep all of these things in mind when you're shopping. If you don't like the salesperson, they probably don't ride bikes, and don't have a clue about what you need. I always look for the guy who's been in the business the longest, and talk with them first.


Feb 04, 2008
salesman listening to me
by: Anonymous

I had a problem with my bike (brand new)and he said to my boyriend. How does she drive it. Hello!!!! It is a Harley and that shouldn't matter. So he stuck up for me and we had to take it in several times for the shifting. I knew something was wrong and finally after the 4th time taking it in they found the problem. Factory problem. Defective part. Well, the salesman did apologize. Just b/c I was a girl he didn't think that I knew what I was talking about. I showed him. I am not your typical girl. I grew up around 6 boy cousins and 2 brothers. I fixed cars and dirt bikes and snowmobiles. just goes to show you.


Jan 14, 2008
Buying what you like . . .
by: Joan

That should mean buying what is comfortable for you and fits you. Go to a showroom and sit on a lot of bikes. Ask questions about each one. ♠

Dec 15, 2007
Change the title at least...
by: Pam

"Buy what you like."

NOT the best title for a recommendation to new/learning riders. Beginners, need to do some investigation first. Definitely, choose your OWN motorcycle, not what someone else thinks you should buy. But don't go by that gut response we often get when we walk into ANY showroom, the "Oh my gawd! I've GOT to have THAT!"

Especially when the sharpest looking machines are often the highest powered, and/or heaviest machines. A certain ticket to injury or at least fear of their own motorcycle, after a scare or drop in the early days.

There is a LOT of information available. Never walk into a showroom and expect the salesman to tell you the smart rider answers to your questions. Too often, they are focused on the sale that will net them the most money.


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