
Beware of those you ride with, some will run right over you,not paying attention.

by Drew Vann
(New Braunfels,Tx.USA)

Some people you just don't want to ride with because they are and always and will be dangerous. Keep your distance and most of all have fun and be safe. Safety is no accident.

Comments for Beware of those you ride with, some will run right over you,not paying attention.

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May 26, 2011
Riding in Groups
by: Anonymous

As a new rider, I was once told by an experienced rider that he nearly hit me twice because I took the turns slower than he expected. Some people couldn't understand why I was upset, but I decided he would never ride behind me again. I now choose to ride at the end of a group and ride at my own pace without worrying if someone will take us both down.

Jun 29, 2010
My thoughts!
by: Sassy2731

If I am uncomfortable with someone riding in our group I just tell them if you can not stay in one spot in the group then leave the group and don't ride with us. I do not permit anyone to ride with us that doesn't follow our rules while riding. I have actually told some guys off and refuse to let them ride with us any longer. They turn to my husband and ask him what's up and he tells them that if she is not comfortable riding with you then your out of the group. I ride for enjoyment and relaxation and if someone rides stupidly or crazy with us I can't enjoy my ride so why should I not have a good (great)time riding because of some idiot rider. Don't feel bad about telling them off and not riding with them! I also don't allow guys that drink a lot to ride with us. I don't drink and ride so why should I put myself and others in danger riding with someone who doesn't care about himself/herself or others. Don't feel bad yourself for telling someone off, it's your life too!

Jun 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

You may want to try getting involved with your local bikers down, and help spread the word to all about being safe on the roads.

Jun 29, 2010
by: Lynn - SW Florida

The problem we've encountered while group riding is another group wanting to pass us and cut in and out of our group. They are usually people wanting to speed down the country roads (sport bikes) and it endangers us all. We aren't slow pokes by any means and it is scary when they cut it close between us, cars and curves. 20 mph over the speed limit isn't necessary or safe!

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