
A little afraid!

by Michelle

I got my motorcycle license this year. Did pretty well had some ups and downs but with the help from my hubby and those on this website I did really well. My issue right now and need some advice on is I got a new bike day before surgery, Issue with bike title is why I had to give up the bike I loved. I had surgery then had many complications. Well Doc said I can ride again next week, but I am very afraid too, do not understand why. I imagine its from the accident that just happened on wednesday night at the top of our road. Car hit motorcycle, the man lived but had a skull fracture, first thing I thought was that could have been us. Guess what I am wondering has anyone else been afraid to get back on bike after time being off? And if I react this way with just part of season how am I gonna get through the winter.
So with getting a new bike, having surgery, then this accident I just hope I can just get back out there and do it...

Comments for A little afraid!

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Sep 19, 2012
Thank you
by: MIchelle

Mare you sound just like me I always ride ahead of my hubby and he gives me feedback. I went out riding this past weekend and it was great. I felt confident and comfortable on my bike. Thanks for the advices everyone.

Sep 18, 2012
Hate to be cliche...
by: TammyT

But have to say, just do it, slowly. Seriously, take your time, and relax. You can do this. You did it before, you can do it. Try to get out on a few easy short rides at low traffic times. Even if it's just out in the neighborhood or out on easy country roads. I've never been to Ohio, so I don't know about the winter weather there. If there are those rare days when it is unusually warm and nice, take advantage and get out there as often as you can so you don't go 6 months without riding, if that's possible. I know I feel a little "rusty" if I go a month or two without riding. So take it easy on those rusty times and soon you'll be back at it. Keep your eyes open and dress for safety, you'll be fine.

Sep 17, 2012
Me, too!
by: Mare

I may not have much advice but I, too, started riding, using friend's 250 and quickly felt ready to move to more powerful bike which my husband agreed I was ready for. Bought a BMW F800ST that fits me well and is easier to handle. Long story short between my work schedule and a couple scary bobble/stalls/wobbles I psyched myself out. So i totally hear where you're coming from. I cant think about "accidents" too much either. It sounds like your husband is as helpful to you as mine is. Just keep trying. Some days are more confident than others. I read a lot-make sure what you find id from a reliable source. We have communicators so that hubby can ride behind me and give important *immediate* feedback. Sometimes we go miles and miles; other days I get brave but solo only around several blocks near home. Have a goal somewhere you want to ride out of the ordinary in so many weeks or months. You'll do great! Safe travels.

Sep 15, 2012
no worries
by: jeanette

I think your feelings are normal and you should use them to motivate you. Take your new bike to a parking lot and get to know her really well so you feel you are in control of her. Then take it slow. Once you know you can control the bike I think you'll be fine. Just don't over think it! As usual if you don't have the ride like a pro DVDs I highly recommend them. If you can do all the exercises on those DVDs you should be very confident to ride anywhere.
Ride safe...

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