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Winter Storage

I recently bought my first bike. I have a beautiful little Sportster 883 low. I live in a cold weather state and my husband actually wants to store it in our living room (which is ok with me (smile). Is there anything I should do to prepare the bike for this type of storage and is this a nutty idea? Anyone else store their bikes in the house?

Comments for
Winter Storage

Nov 15, 2010
Indoor Storage
by: kari

We are about to put "her" in for the winter. My husband is putting down astro turf on our carpet..just in case there is any leakage (which has not happened yet)..we hope and plan to ride thanksgiving week as both my husband and i have off but "she" will probably come in that Sunday. I m excited to decorate her for Christmas. It is only my husband and I so it s not like children will be climbing on the bike or anything. we are cruising to get most of the gas out then my hubby will put the stabilizer in and all that needs to be done before indoor storage.

Nov 15, 2010
Winter Storage
by: Deanna O

We live in a cold area and don't have a garage or covered porch that we can use. The dealer where I bought my bike charges $99/month for indoor heated storage and they will also set up a battery tender. I'm not sure what to do....it's my first bike, so I'm torn between saving money & having it close for spontaneous winter rides and taking extra good care of it by storing it indoors. I tried to figure out how to get it into the house, but my DH didn't want to give up his man cave!

Sep 28, 2010
Cold Storage
by: Aili

To each his own, but there is no reason not to store a bike cold. I always do it. I put a small can of fuel conditioner in the tank (avail. at the dealer or parts store), run it for a little bit, then turn the gas off and let it run out (gas in the tank but none in the fuel line). Then its good for winter.

In the spring, change your oil, check your tire pressure, coolant if you have it, and top off the tank with high-octane. You're all set.

I also replace the spark plug annually, but it depends on how many miles you put on it.

Sep 28, 2010
by: Helen Wheels

This is what heated garages were invented for.

Maybe when I was young and foolish, this may have been a good idea, but now that I have to pay to clean or replace the carpets, not so much.

Sep 26, 2010
Winter Storage
by: Anonymous

I have stored my bike in the living room one winter and we have installed French doors in one of the kids old bedrooms so that we can bring the bikes in there. Stored two in that room one year. Just need to use a battery tender. Starting the bike only helps if you can run it for about 20 mins, as that is the run time needed to replenish the power used for starting. Not a good idea if storing your bike in the living room.

Sep 25, 2010
Winter Storage
by: Anonymous

I know someone who has 14 bikes in his living room. However, his wife left him! I wonder why.

To answer your question, my bike will not fit through the doors in my living room. My bike it right outside my living room on the covered porch and covered when not in use. We even laid down payers so we could bring our bikes on the porch. I will put my on a battery tender for the winter if I don't get a chance to ride it.

I do try to ride the bike during the winter. We don't get a lot of snow but it rains a lot here and gets cold where I live.

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