
Where does everyone go?

by Nancy

I've always wanted to ride my own bike. Well I'm 52 and I'm riding my own bike. My question is where does everyone go? I feel like I'm just meandering around going nowhere. Is this all there is? Yes, it's nice to be out there smelling the outdoors more vividly but really when I see people on the back country roads are they just riding to ride or are they going to some special place?

Where does everyone go?

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Sep 26, 2010
Where does everyone go?
by: Anonymous

Destination rides, fundraiser rides, rides to no where....it doesn't matter as long as I'm riding!

Sep 01, 2010
Where to go, where to go....
by: SoozM

I started riding my own motorcycle two years ago. We (hubby and I and friends) love to get on our bikes and head out of town, in any direction we can and find roads that just feel good to ride. We live on an island, Vancouver Island Canada, and we are limited in places to ride but we seem to find new roads and always enjoy our favorites. We also enjoy finding new places for breakfast or lunch or supper. It's just great to get out on the road! Every summer we dedicate two weeks to a motorcycle trip. 2009 was down the coast through Washington, Oregon and into Northern California. This summer we rode through 7 states all the way down to the Grand Canyon. A trip that was 5,700+ kilometers (3,500+ miles). Good times! Just get out and ride!

Aug 31, 2010
Where to go?
by: Anonymous

I've been a passenger longer than I have been a driver, but now we like to just leave the house and find roads we have never been on, go get lost and find your way home. We have gone 200 miles before and not gone anywhere. lol. Come to a fork in the road & just toss a coin. Fun way to spend the day.

Aug 31, 2010
Where Does Everyone Go
by: robin

Hi...I ride to work..only 7 miles each way but what a way to start and finish the day. Still a newbie so lots of practicing going on (parking lot) and the best is- riding for the shear joy of it!

Aug 31, 2010
Where to go?
by: Anonymous

Pick a place to ride to breakfast, then go someplace different for lunch or dinner. The object is to come up with a round-about route that is interesting. Check with your local bike stores, some of them will sponsor rides...if not suggest that they start, they will also usually have a bulletin board with posted rides for different groups. Also check on-line for riding clubs in your area, if you can't find one, start one. LOL

Aug 31, 2010
Where do i go?
by: bikermama

I just ride. Riding is therapy for me. I like to just get out and clear my head. Sometimes I ride to a designated place and other times I just wander around. Either way, I am just thankful to be out riding.

Aug 31, 2010
Where to go...
by: Sandra

I know...often I'm just riding for the sake of riding and/or for practice. After all these years of driving my car in a fuel efficient manner, right down to making sure I don't waste gas back-tracking when shopping, etc., I feel guilty sometimes, just JOY-Riding!!

But I do love it; it does relax me; it does lift my spirits; and sometimes I'm even on a mission (like going to visit my parents).

But then again, I don't smoke, don't drink much, don't go to movies or concerts or shows, etc., and I am entitled to a little fun in life. I would prefer to go w/others, and have something to stop for (like lunch) and then come back occasionally.

Aug 31, 2010
Where to go?
by: Lynn - Florida

When I started riding at 51, I didn't have anyone to ride with so I meandered around our area. Eventually I found an online forum of people who had rides that anyone could join in. If you're looking to meet people to ride with, bikerspost.com will have "groups" sections. I now ride to work nearly every day. It's only 8 miles each way, but is a great start & ending to my day.

Aug 31, 2010
Just Ride to Be Riding
by: Wanda

Some people commute to and from some place. I just wander around.

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