
Wasp and Bee Stings

by Davine

My second time out on my bike a wasp flew down my shirt and was stuck right where my bra comes together between the cups! Unfortunately I couldn't pull over for 10 miles so it continually stung me. When I did stop I am sure I flashed on coming traffic trying to get it out. It proceeded down the back of my shirt, which was not untucked, and continued to sting me! Because I was stung so many time I had huge itchy welts and no sting or bug bite medicine helped. That is when my mom suggested a corn starch paste. Just add water to corn starch to make a paste and put it on the stings. Seems like odd advice on a motorcycle site but I am sure I am not the first rider this has happened to. Hopefully I save someone from days of unrelieved itching.

Comments for Wasp and Bee Stings

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Jun 03, 2011
You Are Not Alone!
by: Anonymous

This exact thing happened to me! I wish I knew about the paste at the time :)

Apr 08, 2011
Pull Over
by: Arcana

I've had three encounters with bees and some others with various winged pests. Fortunately for me, each time I caught a bee it hit my helmet so hard it was stunned. Each time though, it ended up IN my helmet. I pull over so fast you wouldn't believe it (always check my mirrors first) Then before my brain can remember how to undo my helmet strap my hands have already ripped the helmet off my head and chucked it! (in the grass, no chucking my helmet on pavement) Insects really freak me out, so I don't care what the side of the road looks like, unless the road is under construction and there's a concrete barrier right up to the white line, or a sheer drop off (wouldn't ride by a sheer drop off anyway). I'm pulling over for biting/stinging insects!

Aug 22, 2010
by: Mara

I know not as many people smoke as they used to, but when I was little my Dad smoked. When ever I got stung by a bee he would have me mix my spit with the tobacco from his cigarette and put it on the sting. It's supposed to pull the poison out, I don't know if it's true or not but it always made it feel better and it healed quicker too.

The other one is baking soda and water, if you make a paste out of it and put it on the sting it really helps out.

Aug 21, 2010
Zip Up
by: New Buell Rider

I also had an encounter similar to yours, but mine was with a deer or horse fly.

Being a new driver I learned the hard way to zip my jacket all the way up to the top. I was traveling about 35 mph and felt something hit the front of my jacket, it went into my bra and starting biting me, there was no place to pull off for a few miles it continued to bite me.

When I did get pulled over and got my jacket off, my male friend and I were examining the bloody hole in my breast lo and behold an Amish woman came walking by and I wonder to this day if she believed me when I told her why I had my breast out showing it to my friend.

Aug 20, 2010
by: Phatgal

Funny you should mention this because I was recently wondering how many bikers have been stung, had an allergic reaction and crashed? You are very lucky as numerous stings can cause a severe allergic reaction in someone who has never had a reaction before.

If stung and you experience:

# Difficulty breathing, Shortness of Breath
# Throat/Tongue swelling
# Skin reactions on your body other than area of sting. To include: hives/itching, flushed or pale skin
# A weak and rapid pulse
# Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
# Dizziness or fainting

You need to seek medical attention immediately and I do mean call 911! People die at home or en route to the hospital in private vehicles. It is quite likely you will need medications/breathing treatments stronger than those found over the counter.

Ride safe!

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