
U Turn

by Chris

Help I'm struggling with slow spead u turns I get so far and feel like the bike is going to fall and I put my foot down (which I believe is a instant fail)

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May 03, 2012
u-turn help
by: Joyce

Hi Chris,
When I first learned to ride I bought a video called 'Ride Like a Pro'. It has some great techniques that helped me a lot with the slow u-turns and other manuvers too.
My husband whose been riding over 40 years even picked up some tips from the video.
I have an older version but I'm sure the download is just as helpful. Here's a link. http://www.ridelikeapro.com/

Mar 02, 2012
by: cinthia

I am a newbie and bearly practicing on making tight slow you turns as well all the comments here are exaclty what i been doing, i just wanted to add a little trick that worked for me. I asked my bf to stand in the middle of the p.lot where i was practicing the turn and i did circles around him the tirck is to look at their eyes/ back of their head as you are turning, this will keep you away from looking at the ground. Best of luck!

Feb 28, 2012
U Turn
by: Nana

Don't forget to work your back brake into the equation. If you are feathering the clutch, turning your head, and tapping the back break, your bike will stay upright. Keep your eyes up - if you look down, that's where you will go.

Feb 28, 2012
Slow speed uturns
by: Anonymous

It just takes a little practice. Remember a couple of things:
1. Use plenty of clutch, because you need to keep your revs up while turning or the bike will fall over. You use a lot of clutch so you'll be going slow enough even tho you are keeping the rpms high enough to keep the bike upright.
2. Your head turns FIRST. Keep your gaze high, don't look down. Turn your head early, BEFORE you turn the handlebars and you keep it turned and turn the bike under you. Make sure you are going slowly enough that you have the time to turn your head well before you start to turn the handlebars.
3. You didn't say what kind of bike you are riding, or how much space you have, but counterweighting is often helpful in a tight turn. That means that while you are in the turn, you put your weight on your outside footpeg ( opposite to the direction you are turning). That gives you a tighter turning angle.
Good luck, you'll enjoy your new-found prowess once you get the hang of it.

Feb 28, 2012
not a fail!
by: kp

it's not an instant fail! A fail would be if you didn't foot down and you dropped the bike. But it happens!

Always remember: you go where you look. Even whilst doing U turns. Look where you want to go, not at the ground, not right in
front of you, but where you want to be.

And practice, practice, practice.

good luck!

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