
New Rider

by Jenn

I am currently taking the MSF class..passed the written test and the road test is this weekend..struggling a little with shifting...seemed the bikes in class were much easier to handle...I'm inheriting a 2001 Triumph Sprint...so I think it's going to be so much different for me to practice. I'm my own worst enemy because I'm rattling myself...I know practice makes perfect..I just want to be able to pass and get my license...the word "figure 8" gets me nervous ....any suggestions or pointers?

Comments for New Rider

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Aug 08, 2011
Perfection isn't the only passing grade
by: Dawn

By the time you read this you will probably have already passed your test.

But to anyone else out there looking for the same advice..You are allowed to miss a few points and still pass. Minimize your deductions.

I couldn't do the U turn in a box, but it was less of a deduction to put my foot down rather than fall over or go out of the box. So I put the foot down and took the deduction. That was my only negative, so I still passed and got my endorsement. I'm now able to do them, I just needed more practice, and I got that on my own after I was endorsed.

Aug 04, 2011
Don't sweat it!
by: Sandra

I still practice figure 8's in the parking lot before or after a ride...and it's only one portion of the test! Don't get worked up over it (for me it was the U-turn box - could NOT stay in it!); just take your test; keep your eyes where you WANT to be and your head up; take your time and focus on the task you are working on. It will be over in no time and you will get your endorsement! You don't have to be PERFECT to pass so don't stress yourself out - just do your best.

The WORST that can happen is that you will have to retake the test...not the end of the world, so just relax and get it done!

Aug 04, 2011
Chew Gum
by: sassy2731

I found that chewing gum really helps to relax while riding. Try it and see if it helps you too! I've been riding for 5 years now and still make sure I have gum to chew. I'm not sure how it works, but it really does.

Aug 03, 2011
Look Where You Want to Go!
by: Kate

As a new rider myself (3 months)...the best advice I can give is to LOOK WHERE YOU WANT TO GO! Steer with your chin and not your eyes. Keep your head up. One of the hardest parts of learning to ride for me was not looking down at the road in front of me. Tight figure 8's are still an issue, but they're coming along...as long as I remember to keep my head up and again, LOOK WHERE I WANT TO GO. Parking lot practice, in my opinion, is a must. Eventually, the nervousness and butterflies go away. What an awesome feeling that is! Hopefully, you have a mentor who can help you.

Take a deep breath, drop your shoulders and enjoy,


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