
First Time Passenger

by Kyla

My friend (a bike rider for 53 yrs) wants me too ride behind him on his new BMW, but I'm not young--69 yrs old--and a little nervous. Any idea where I can get info on what this ride will be like? I'm concerned about safety, but want to have a good time and continue riding with him.

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Aug 08, 2009
First Time Passenger
by: Anonymous

Nah, you will be fine, just relax and enjoy.

Aug 08, 2009
A Lot of Passenger Info to Consider
by: Kyla

Great post! Sure gives me a lot to think about. Believe I'll have some problems re "moving with the bike." Better try a few very short rides first. Thanks for all you info--really gave me a LOT to think about!! I'm truly looking forward to this adventure.

Aug 08, 2009
First Time Passenger Part 2
by: Anonymous

Part 2 - (sorry got long winded here)

Also since you are older as you stated you might not be able to get on and off the back easily - the easiest thing to do is first off - if you do try to get on and off with him already on the bike NEVER just start to hop on - ASK him first if he is ready for you - some guys like to keep the kickstand down until the passenger is firmly on - others prefer to be fully balanced and ready to take off with a firm stance and balance on the bike before you get on. Use the passenger peg and hold onto his shoulder to help you balance while getting on - but ALWAYS ASK if he is ready for you to get on. I didnt once and damn near dumped us both. lol And if you cant get your leg up over the seat then have him keep the bike with the kickstand down and then you get on as if you are going to ride it yourself then wait for him to grab the bike to steady it while you scoot backwards into the bitch seat

Again RELAX and enjoy !!! Good luck

Aug 08, 2009
First Time Passenger Part 1
by: Anonymous

Part 1 here - I have been riding on the back since I was around 10 or so on my brother in law's first bike and now that I ride my own at age 51 I still ride on the back with my ex BF and some other friends (dates) once in a great while. The key is moving with the bike - or the driver as someone else said already. Sit STILL - dont squirm, jump, move around alot - you will be a distraction as well as not good for balancing. If you need to adjust anything - (cmon ladies you all know what I am talking about here) lol - and cant do it with little or no movement then signal the driver to pull over and stop the bike. If the guy has a good passenger seat with a large backrest just kick back and enjoy. DONT hang onto the rider for dear life like I see so many women do. I personally think it looks tacky when I see gals hanging onto their men but that's just me and how I have always been. If you need to get the guys attention do it with hand signals - or touches on his leg - when I want my ex to turn up the radio in the ferring I do the UP sign with my thumb off to the side of his face - he knows what I mean - we have ridden together so often we know each others pats and touches. When I am on the back of his bike or anyone elses for that matter they always remark that they dont even feel me back there. Most are shocked when they see I was taking pictures the whole time since they never feel me moving around. I dont grab onto any part of the bike either - I dont need to since I have been riding for so long but if you do feel better and safer doing so then grab the back right behind you on the bitch bar or down underneath it. Just flow with the rider and the bike. Riders themselves are "one with the bike" and now you should make that "two with the bike" fluidity is the key. Relax and enjoy!!!

ASK the guy if he has any special hand signals he wants you to use - unless I am experienced with that rider I dont talk to them if it can be avoided. It;s been so long since I have ridden on the back and few and far between I might have also missed some things but that about covers it.

Aug 08, 2009
First things first...
by: Quicklimegirl

Do you have adequate protective gear?
Has he had extensive experience riding two-up?

If you can answer yes to BOTH of those, that's a foundation to build from.

Next, you have to understand the physics involved.

Do NOT under any circumstances try to straighten up your body vertically when the rider starts leaning the bike into a turn... NEVER!!! I can't emphasize this strongly enough!!! The bike and the rider(s) should form an integral package, a unit the behaves in a cohesive manner.

Make sure the seat is adequate in size and comfortable, and there are specific grab rails or other parts of the bike you can safely hold onto, rather than the rider.

I don't carry passengers, so maybe folks that do can point out other things I've missed here.

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