

by Mz Mud Putter

I have noticed that a lot of new riders have the biggest problem with turns and curves. First off, slow down and take a curve at a pace you feel comfortable with. Keep you eyes level to the horizon so you don't get that "I'm going to fall over" feeling. Turn your head, and look as far through the turn as possible or to where the outside and inside lines of your lane appear to come to a point. The bike will go where you are looking. Slow down before entering the turn, then gradually roll back on the throttle through the turn. Practice, practice, practice and you won't have to think about how to turn every time you need to turn.

Do not watch the road directly in front of your front tire. Doing so reduces your reaction time to zero and you are more likely to over shoot a curve or even lay your bike down.

Comments for Cornering

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Nov 23, 2009
Firsthand Experience
by: Sonilala

Cornering was an issue the first day that I had completely gotten my Ninja 250r 2009 all registered and insured, bought the helmet and everything! That first fateful day, I crashed. It wasn't a bad crash, but I just want to remind newer riders to SLOW DOWN before curves!! Especially when there is sand in the road.

Sep 16, 2009
by: Pam

You have most of the cornering technique down and are correct with most of it. There is one more aspect that riders forget, you have to stay focused as to where you want the bike to go. You can look in the corner all you want but if you are not focused on getting through the corner you will make a wide turn. I have video as proof, that looking is not the only thing that makes the bike make that turn. I was trying to make a U turn on an obstacle course and was looking into the turn and the bike would not go. I was focusing on the other direction and my arms would not turn the handle bars. So think while turning you bike. The other thing I do now to make the turns in the mountains, is I push the bike down and keep up right in the corner. I get disoriented in a turn if I am leaning with the bike. By pushing the bike down and staying upright I can see through the turn and am ready to make the next corner. This is a maneuver I learned in a Top Gun Course taught in Colorado by T3RG. Former motorcycle officer instructor Don Gunn teaches the class. Check it out on www.t3rg.com. After taking the class, I was able to make 24 foot U-turns, 20 foot circles and my response time is much faster. My boyfriend and I now perform at bike rallies, showing that HD baggers/cruisers can be handle by anyone who is determined to be safe and confident on their motorcycle. Check out youtube channel civiliantopgun and watch our videos, you will see who we handle our motorcycles.

Sep 16, 2009
by: Sue A

Yeah I had been riding on a permit for about 7 months before I took any classes, I wanted to get the bike down first and be able to use my bike (which was an automatic) and not have to try and learn the clutch. (I did that on my own too later) and that was the one thing that I did learn majorly that helped alot.

Sep 15, 2009
What you see is what you get...
by: Bike Girly

I want to highlight and underline and bold "The bike will go where you are looking". I am constantly reminding myself of that. It is standard for me to say, "Where do you want to go?" when entering a turn and responding, "Over there", to set my head positioning for the turn.

I'm a fairly new rider, having bought my first bike in June '08, but I've managed to rack up 12K miles on her since then, riding canyons at least once a week, in addition to the madness of navigating Los Angeles traffic.

But man-o-man, do I love being a WOMAN on a motorcycle! I'd love any seasoned rider's tips or comments on my newbie blog at http://bikegirly.blogspot.com/

Peace, love, and clear roads.

Sep 15, 2009
by: Sue A

All good points. I have talked to long time riders and they have even all said the same thing, they have problems with right turns if they are right handed and vice versa. I wonder why that is? Seems common among all of my friends when I mentioned it one nite at dinner.

I joked for the first month of riding when people would ask me how I was doing I would say GREAT ! As long as I can map my route using only left hand turns lol

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