
3 things that work for me: short hair, hats, blow drying beforehand

by Cathy G
(Woodbridge, VA)

Normally my hair is naturally curly, so for me it's fun to experience life as a straight haired person when I take off my helmet. However, here are a few things I do: 1. I keep my hair short. I have fine hair (like a rabbit), so when it goes flat it REALLY goes flat. With short hair, my natural curl has more of a chance to come back to life. 2. Bring a hat with me- a baseball cap, or something. 3. I blow dry my hair so that it stands up on its end before I put on my helmet. This helps during short rides when it's not too hot out.

When I take off my helmet the hair close to my scalp still has some body left in it. This is what I do when I ride into work.

Here's a fourth tip I overlooked: Forget about what you look like- pretend you look fabulous! Besides, the most beautiful thing anyone has to offer is... Personality :)

Comments for 3 things that work for me: short hair, hats, blow drying beforehand

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Apr 21, 2008
What would you have done?
by: Anonymous

I have a story to relate and I'd like to know what others would have done in my situation. I was riding down a two lane, very busy road during morning rush hour. My husband was on his bike in front of me and I was behind him. It became apparent that an accident was tying up traffic because we all slowed down to a 5-10 mile an hour creep. My husband and I were in the left lane, when a fire truck (lights flashing, sirens going off) was coming up behind us. It was a few blocks behind us when cars started trying to figure out which way to go in order to make way for the fire truck. Both lanes were full of cars. My husband started to go over to the left, then he changed his mind and went to the right. Well, cars were going this way and that to clear the road and I was the last one left trying to get out of the way. I couldn't tell exactly where the fire truck was behind me (left or right) and I couldn't gauge its speed- all I had was my side mirrors to look behind me. I didn't want to veer left or right in front of it and end up getting rear ended by it, so I didn't move until I was certain where the truck was- which meant that the fire truck has to slow down. Cars were lined up on the sides of the road and the only place left for me was to sort of double park next to another car while the fire truck drove by. I felt like a big heel (slowing up the rescue crew) but I couldn't find that balance between being assertive on the motorcycle and not getting hit by someone else who was trying to dodge the fire truck. So, I wonder: What would others have done? Thanks for any input!
Cathy G

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