Back to Back Issues Page Monthly, Issue 0005- March, 2008
March 28, 2008

The SNOW is getting seriously OLD.

Back before I started, I had a knitting blog. There is indeed a little section of cyberspace totally occupied by people who are seriously obsessed with all things related to fiber and knitting. And while I am one of those obsessed people, I simply ran out of things to blog about my knitting. So, this week, I shut down the knitting blog.

Photobucket One of the "stars" of the knitting blog was Bella, our dramatic little dachshund. After making her appearance last month on the newsletter, she began to ask if people were commenting on her cuteness. Each time I would get an email mentioning Bella, I would report back to her, and she would swell with self-importance and satisfaction. Not having the knitting blog for her platform any longer, Bella has taken up residence on Her-Motorcycle Monthly - Bear with me, this is still all about motorcycles - we just have a little mascot.

Jackets, jackets and more jackets

A friend recently asked me to help her find a new motorcycle jacket, and I immediately went to Her-Motorcycle to begin my search. Not really finding much, I felt the need to add a new page - Textile Motorcycle Jackets with some great new jackets for women riders. My personal favorite is the First Gear Contour Mesh jacket - the yellow one with the reflective panels - matches my motorcycle perfectly!

And if you are in the market for a leather jacket, Fox Creek Leather is having a sale on certain models and sizes. You can grab a deal!

Even though it snowed yesterday here in Chicago, I have really begun to get ready for motorcycle season - going through my gear and stuff - trying to see what I might need to replace. If you've got gear that no longer works for you, think about re-homing it - post it on Her-Motorcycle, and see if someone else could use what you don't want, or can't use. Maybe that diet over the winter means that you need new pants, in a smaller size?
Post the big ones here.

Photobucket While I was taking inventory of my gear, I also started thinking about replenishing my head gear - you know, what I put on my head after I take off the helmet. Then, I got curious - what do other women do to either prevent, or cure helmet hair? If you've got a suggestion, please post it - I'd love to know. Really.

Be "one of those girls"

I added another page to the site last week, about Denise of Vavavroomonline - a company specializing in apparel and gear for women motorcyclists. I love the VavavroomOnline signature tee-shirts -

Use the Coupon Code to get 15% off your purchase!

Hopefully, next month's newsletter will be chock full of information about RIDING as the season truly begins!

AND, don't forget your protective eyewear!

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