Back to Back Issues Page Monthly, Special Edition
March 08, 2008

Special Announcement

Sell or Swap your Used Gear

Welcome to a Special Edition of Her-Motorcycle Monthly, being sent to announce a new page - Used Motorcycle Gear- where you can post a description and picture of your used gear, set a price or ask for a "best offer, and then wait to see if you can find a new home for some gear or apparel that you can no longer use!

Inspired by a recent closet-cleaning, and our little rescue dog, Bella, who has enjoyed her new home with us for almost 4 years. Bella didn't fit in her first home, but she's doing just fine here!

So, go clean out your gear closet, find the stuff that you can't, or don't use anymore, and find some new homes for your stuff.

...........somewhere in France............(deep sigh)

If you know someone who would find this addition to Her-Motorcycle useful, please forward on this email! And, let me know if you have any suggestions for additions to Her-Motorcycle!

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