Back to Back Issues Page Monthly, Issue 0008 June, 2008
June 23, 2008 Forum is coming!

Very soon, I will send out an email to all subscribers announcing the launch of the Her-Motorcycle Forum - designed, in part, by the very loyal visitors of this site. Over the past few months, I've been carefully watching the postings to the submission pages, and have (albeit slowly) been building an online discussion forum.

The look of the forum is not exactly what I want, ultimately, but I have been on the high end of a very steep learning curve, trying to figure out how to modify a seemingly-unmodifiable template. I'd rather launch an unmodified forum now, and take time to tweak to colors, than wait until you are all quite tired of hearing about what is to come.

But, the categories and discussion topics are almost finalized - at least for the launch. All users will need to register at the forum, pick a user name, etc. Then let the discussions begin! You will have the ability to post pictures, add an avatar and generally make your forum experience one to suit your needs.

I'm hoping that it will be an active, useful and fun to spend your spare time - when the weather sucks and you can't ride.....or when you're at work and you're daydreaming about riding...............

Motorcycle Superstore, Inc.

Needed: More forum topics, and moderators!

I've got a good start on categories and forum topics that you all want included on the forum, but could certainly use more! Use the online submission form at Forum News to suggest a topic. Also read the comments that have been submitted to get a feel for what we'll be discussing.

AND, if you want to volunteer as a forum moderator, let me know, either by using the Contact Us form or by an email at christine dot I've noticed that some are frequent posters and commentors on the submission pages - perfect training for a forum moderator! Be instrumental in making the Her-Motorcycle Forum the best online discussion group for women motorcycle riders!


Winter Blowout at

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