Back to Back Issues Page Monthly, Issue 0007- May, 2008
May 16, 2008

Changes, Changes, Changes

Just like a little country road, life sometimes is full of twists and curves. I've experienced some of those curves of late, behind the scenes at Her-Motorcycle. After many years at the same firm, I am moving on to a new position next week. I'll be practicing law in a completely different speciality, and will certainly need some hours on the motorcycle each weekend to help with the transition.

Because if you ride, you know that riding a motorcycle can be an extremely soulful experience. Very good for the soul. Indeed.


NOW - about upcoming changes at - I've received a few requests from readers about adding a forum to the site. After doing some investigation, I have decided to do just that. BUT - I could use some help.

First, I need some input on topics that you would like to see included in the forum. To get your ideas, I'll be adding a page to the site, entitled "Forum News" - with the usual form that you can use to submit your ideas. Among the discussion topics I envision - mechanical tips, route suggestions, "where I went over the weekend"......

Along with your ideas on topics, I'd also like to know whether you want the forum to be restricted to WOMEN, so look for the poll on the "Forum News" page and cast your vote.

Second, I will be needing some volunteer moderators - so, if you are interested in performing this function, please send me an email. I hope to have the forum up and running in the next week, but we can add moderators at any point.

As is the case with any online forum, you will need to register to participate, but with the response that we've had to the various readers' submission pages, I think that Her-Motorcycle is ready for this next step.

More Changes in the Works

As some of you know, I've had an affiliation with CafePress for the purpose of providing some apparel and miscellaneous merchandise with the Her-Motorcycle logo. That affiliation has not proven to be very beneficial, in that I am not at all pleased with the quality of the apparel. (Krysta - your shirt came to me, and upon inspection, was not acceptable. I sent it back, along with the messenger bag, which would not have held a pad of paper for more than one ride.)

As an alternative to CafePress, I am in the process of locating another company to produce tee shirts, caps, and some other items with the logo - hopefully, these products will be available sometime during the summer. (AND, Krysta - you will indeed receive your long awaited prize)


Along with the forum, and the new "store", I'll also be adding a WordPress blog to the site - a place where I can post on a more frequent basis, about life on and off the motorcycle.

Major Kudos to from SiteBuildIt

As a complete non-technically inclined person, I build Her-Motorcycle with the help of a company - SiteBuildit. After 14 months, this little motorcycle site for women, (which now has almost 300 pages) has steadily gained readers, and daily traffic. Now, it's not unusual for 750 - 1000 people to visit on any given day.

It really has been an honor to provide information specifically directed to women who ride motorcycles, and I've enjoyed the process. I've also enjoyed watching you provide information and suggestions to each other - something that I hope we can continue to promote in the upcoming forum.

Recently, I was thoroughly thrilled to learn that is among the top 1% of all websites, and is now listed on the results page for SiteBuildIt. Click on "hobbies" and scroll down - (Beware, this page takes a while to load). Without the help of SBI, I could not have designed my site, nor could I have executed it. If any of you have an idea - an idea that could blossom into a website, I highly recommend SBI. Check it out. There's even a trial period, where you can see if SBI might work for you.

AND, if I can answer any questions you might have about the SBI process, just ask. I am proof that it works!
SBI! Quick Tour

Enough for today - no shopping tips, but that may be coming a bit later. I'm off to build a forum..............(which just like Rome, was not built in a day)

Oh, and welcome to all the new subscribers - there's quite a few of you!

Ride Safe!

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