Back to Back Issues Page Monthly, Issue #002 -- November, The End of the Season
November 08, 2007
Greetings from Her-Motorcycle Monthly!

The End of the Season -
Clean and Parked

I'd like to welcome the new subscribers to Her-Motorcycle Monthly, as the end of the riding season has overtaken me, and I'm a bit melancholy. Because the big yellow motorcycle is clean and carefully tucked away for the winter. With the other three motorcycles in the garage, mine is parked so that I couldn't get to it if I wanted to. Bob is an eternal optimist, believing that each winter month will have at least one day of 60 degree temperatures, allowing him a little riding pleasure. Sometimes he's right.........So he keeps his motorcycles a little more accessible.

We do follow a system for winterizing the bikes, however. (And now that we're legal, I'm letting him do most of the work) Here's what we do:

  • De-bug and de-tar - this sometimes takes a while, but it is so much harder to get the bike clean after the bugs have settled in over the winter.  There are some great commercial cleaners that help with the scrubbing.

  • Fill up the gas tank - I think this has something to do with condensation.  Actually, I think you can either "winter" the bike with a full or empty tank.  
  • End the season with clean oil, at the right level. 
  • Hook the battery up to a battery charger.
  • Put the bike on the center stand if you have one, and cover it with an old blanket.

That's it - pretty simple. And, I'm always sure that when Spring comes the bike is ready to go!

I'll be reminiscing about where've we've been the past year, and with winter rapidly approaching, and the holidays looming ahead, I'll also be racking my brain to think of ways to amuse myself (motorcycle-wise) and keep things interesting at

What's a motorcycle girl to do - when the weather isn't great for motorcycling?

One thing I do is plan ahead for the trips we have on the schedule for next year. Bob's planning to put together another West Virginia trip, and I think there's some Italy in our future for the summer. So, I'll be planning the packing, and do a little reading.

The other activity that keeps me busy - holiday shopping, especially challenging when it comes to the man in my life - who loves to get things related to motorcycling.

I get tired just thinking about it.

So, this month and next, I be searching...........any suggestions?

November Coupons and Deals

I have yet to meet a man who isn't in love with gadgets, even if they are challenged in getting them to work.

Abt Electronics has all models- Save Up To 15% On Portable GPS Navigation.

Or, for the old-fashioned non-techy guys, give them maps to pour over while it's snowing -5% OFF all orders! Use promotion code NOVMAPS07 upon checkout to receive your discount. Expires November 30.

Leather is always great, too - (check out the clearance page)

And don't forget about you - shop for shoes on Saturday - Saturday Sale! Save up to 60%!

Look for a Special Edition of Her-Motorcycle Monthly right before Thanksgiving - I expect there will be links and coupons for many bargains!

Next Month -

Rally schedule for 2008 - plan ahead!

Motorcycle shows -

See you next month at Her-Motorcycle Monthly!

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